BB Mickey Mantle lot 2006 HR 14-cards 2007 MMS 21 cards
USA Single Item: $15.00
USA Each Addl Item: $10.00
Canada Single Item: $999.00
Canada Each Addl Item: $999.00
Box/Intl Single Item: $15.00
Box/Intl Each Addl Item:
Home Run #'s are #MHR294 475 507 508 509 510 519 520 530 531 532 and 533. Two Chrome Home Run cards are tossed into this lot. Numbers are MHRC410 and MMSC54 (did not realize this is a story mantle).
Here is some help to complete your 2007 Topps Mickey Mantle Story with a 21-different card lot. Numbers in this lot are #MMS1 16 17 18 19 20 47 49 50 51 52 54 55 58 59 66 67 68 69 71 73 75.