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Featured Auctions for: Other: Singles - 1900-1989
Item #DescriptionPriceStatusSellerHigh BidderQuick Bid
10891653 2 silver coins Liberty half dollar & 1953 Mexico (0.0321 0z $15.502 bubba100 (0) Liv2Hunt quick bid

All Auctions for: Other: Singles - 1900-1989
Item #DescriptionPriceStatusSellerHigh BidderQuick Bid
10891769 1936 Churchman's Boxing #3 ~ Eric Boon Light Weight $0.253 richandn (0) MacCards quick bid
10891770 1936 Churchman's Boxing #4 ~ Jack (Kid) Berg Welterweight $0.253 richandn (0) MacCards quick bid
10891785 1912 #11 ITALY nottingham PLYER $0.003 alisecki (0) quick bid
10891787 19- - #44 CAPE animal and their young RED ROSE $0.003 alisecki (0) quick bid
10891788 19- - #5VHOW TO FILL A PIPE how to do it GODFREY PHILIPS $0.003 alisecki (0) quick bid
10891789 19- - #11 SMALL TORTOISE-SHELL BUTTERFLY butterflies&moths $0.003 alisecki (0) quick bid
10891624 1917-1923 Japan 5 sen coin $0.252 bubba100 (0) alottxpd quick bid
10891625 1929D Germany 10 pfennig coin $0.502 bubba100 (0) lmedley1 quick bid
10891626 1912 Bulgaria 20 stotinski coin $0.502 bubba100 (0) lmedley1 quick bid
10891641 1938 Italy 5 centesimi coin $0.502 bubba100 (0) lmedley1 quick bid
10891651 1928 Portugal 1 escudo coin $0.252 bubba100 (0) alottxpd quick bid
10891653 2 silver coins Liberty half dollar & 1953 Mexico (0.0321 0z $15.502 bubba100 (0) Liv2Hunt quick bid
10891656 1913 Bulgaria 5 stotinki coin $0.252 bubba100 (0) alottxpd quick bid
10891661 1929 Sweden 2 ore coin $0.252 bubba100 (0) alottxpd quick bid
10891667 1935D Germany 50 pfennig coin $0.252 bubba100 (0) alottxpd quick bid
10891434 1943 Newfoundland 1 cent coin $1.001 bubba100 (0) Justin54 quick bid
10891446 1916-38 Japan 1 sen coin $1.001 bubba100 (0) Justin54 quick bid
10891592 1873-1888 Japan 1.2 sen coin $1.001 bubba100 (0) Justin54 quick bid
10891594 1933-1937 Japan 10 sen coin $1.251 bubba100 (0) lmedley1 quick bid
10892014 1936 Churchman's Boxing #16 Ben Ford Heavyweight $0.001 richandn (0) quick bid
10892045 WILL'S CIGARETTES CARD LOT $0.001 dragon82 (0) quick bid

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