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1998 Panini Photocards Hockey Trading Cards

1998 Panini Photocards Hockey Card Values

Card Description NM EX/NM EX VG GOOD
1998 Panini Photocards #1 Daniel Alfredsson $0.37 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #1 Daniel Alfredsson
1998 Panini Photocards #2 Jason Allison $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #2 Jason Allison
1998 Panini Photocards #3 Tony Amonte $0.20 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #3 Tony Amonte
1998 Panini Photocards #4 Jason Arnott $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #4 Jason Arnott
1998 Panini Photocards #5 Tom Barrasso $0.44
1998 Panini Photocards #6 Stu Barnes $0.20 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #6 Stu Barnes
1998 Panini Photocards #7 Ed Belfour $0.20 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #7 Ed Belfour
1998 Panini Photocards #8 Bryan Berard $0.37
1998 Panini Photocards #9 Rob Blake $0.44
1998 Panini Photocards #10 Peter Bondra $0.20 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #10 Peter Bondra
1998 Panini Photocards #11 Ray Bourque $0.20 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #11 Ray Bourque
1998 Panini Photocards #12 Rod Brind'Amour $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #12 Rod Brind'Amour
1998 Panini Photocards #13 Martin Brodeur $0.30
1998 Panini Photocards #14 Andrew Brunette $0.37
1998 Panini Photocards #15 Pavel Bure $0.20
1998 Panini Photocards #17 Vincent Damphousse $0.44
1998 Panini Photocards #18 Eric Daze $0.37 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #18 Eric Daze
1998 Panini Photocards #19 Detroit Wings $0.20
1998 Panini Photocards #21 Sergei Fedorov $0.20
1998 Panini Photocards #22 Stephane Fiset $0.20 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #22 Stephane Fiset
1998 Panini Photocards #23 Theo Fleury $0.55
1998 Panini Photocards #25 Ron Francis $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #25 Ron Francis
1998 Panini Photocards #26 Jeff Friesen $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #26 Jeff Friesen
1998 Panini Photocards #29 Adam Graves $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #29 Adam Graves
1998 Panini Photocards #30 Wayne Gretzky $1.01
1998 Panini Photocards #31 Michal Grosek $0.20 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #31 Michal Grosek
1998 Panini Photocards #32 Dominik Hasek $0.20
1998 Panini Photocards #33 Kevin Hatcher $0.37
1998 Panini Photocards #35 Jaromir Jagr $0.20
1998 Panini Photocards #37 Curtis Joseph $0.72
1998 Panini Photocards #38 Joe Juneau $0.37 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #38 Joe Juneau
1998 Panini Photocards #39 Paul Kariya $0.20 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #39 Paul Kariya
1998 Panini Photocards #40 Nikolai Khabibulin $0.44
1998 Panini Photocards #41 Saku Koivu $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #41 Saku Koivu
1998 Panini Photocards #42 Olaf Kolzig $0.44
1998 Panini Photocards #43 Oleg Kvasha $0.37
1998 Panini Photocards #44 Vincent LeCavalier $0.55 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #44 Vincent LeCavalier
1998 Panini Photocards #45 John LeClair $0.72 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #45 John LeClair
1998 Panini Photocards #46 Brian Leetch $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #46 Brian Leetch
1998 Panini Photocards #47 Claude Lemieux $0.37
1998 Panini Photocards #48 Trevor Linden $0.37
1998 Panini Photocards #49 Eric Lindros $0.55 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #49 Eric Lindros
1998 Panini Photocards #50 Al MacInnis $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #50 Al MacInnis
1998 Panini Photocards #51 Mark Messier $0.55
1998 Panini Photocards #53 Alexander Mogilny $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #53 Alexander Mogilny
1998 Panini Photocards #54 Brendan Morrison $0.37 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #54 Brendan Morrison
1998 Panini Photocards #55 Scott Niedermayer $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #55 Scott Niedermayer
1998 Panini Photocards #56 Joe Nieuwendyk $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #56 Joe Nieuwendyk
1998 Panini Photocards #58 Chris Osgood $0.20 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #58 Chris Osgood
1998 Panini Photocards #59 Zigmund Palffy $0.20
1998 Panini Photocards #60 Mark Parrish $0.37
1998 Panini Photocards #61 Michael Peca $0.37
1998 Panini Photocards #62 Yanic Perreault $0.37 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #62 Yanic Perreault
1998 Panini Photocards #63 Felix Potvin $0.55
1998 Panini Photocards #64 Keith Primeau $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #64 Keith Primeau
1998 Panini Photocards #65 Chris Pronger $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #65 Chris Pronger
1998 Panini Photocards #67 Mark Recchi $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #67 Mark Recchi
1998 Panini Photocards #68 Mike Richter $0.55 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #68 Mike Richter
1998 Panini Photocards #69 Luc Robitaille $0.55 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #69 Luc Robitaille
1998 Panini Photocards #70 Jeremy Roenick $0.55 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #70 Jeremy Roenick
1998 Panini Photocards #71 Patrick Roy $0.77
1998 Panini Photocards #72 Joe Sakic $1.07 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #72 Joe Sakic
1998 Panini Photocards #73 Tommy Salo $0.44
1998 Panini Photocards #74 Sergei Samsonov $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #74 Sergei Samsonov
1998 Panini Photocards #75 Geoff Sanderson $0.37 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #75 Geoff Sanderson
1998 Panini Photocards #77 Brendan Shanahan $0.20 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #77 Brendan Shanahan
1998 Panini Photocards #78 Ryan Smyth $0.20
1998 Panini Photocards #79 Garth Snow $0.44
1998 Panini Photocards #80 Cory Stillman $0.37 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #80 Cory Stillman
1998 Panini Photocards #81 Mats Sundin $0.55
1998 Panini Photocards #82 Jocelyn Thibault $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #82 Jocelyn Thibault
1998 Panini Photocards #84 Keith Tkachuk $0.55
1998 Panini Photocards #85 Pierre Turgeon $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #85 Pierre Turgeon
1998 Panini Photocards #86 Oleg Tverdovsky $0.37 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #86 Oleg Tverdovsky
1998 Panini Photocards #87 John Vanbiesbrouck $0.55 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #87 John Vanbiesbrouck
1998 Panini Photocards #88 Mike Vernon $0.44
1998 Panini Photocards #89 Doug Weight $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #89 Doug Weight
1998 Panini Photocards #90 Alexei Yashin $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #90 Alexei Yashin
1998 Panini Photocards #91 Steve Yzerman $0.35
1998 Panini Photocards #92 Steve Yzerman W $2.12
1998 Panini Photocards #93 Rob Blake $0.44 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #93 Rob Blake
1998 Panini Photocards #94 Martin Brodeur $1.42 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #94 Martin Brodeur
1998 Panini Photocards #95 Ron Francis $0.44
1998 Panini Photocards #96 Dominik Hasek $0.20
1998 Panini Photocards #97 Jaromir Jagr $1.42
1998 Panini Photocards #98 Sergei Samsonov $0.44
1998 Panini Photocards #99 Peter Bondra $0.20 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #99 Peter Bondra
1998 Panini Photocards #100 Ray Bourque $1.07
1998 Panini Photocards #101 Peter Forsberg $1.42
1998 Panini Photocards #102 Wayne Gretzky $1.01
1998 Panini Photocards #103 Saku Koivu $0.20 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #103 Saku Koivu
1998 Panini Photocards #104 Eric Lindros $0.55 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #104 Eric Lindros
1998 Panini Photocards #105 Mark Messier $0.55 Pricing History 1998 Panini Photocards #105 Mark Messier
1998 Panini Photocards #106 Patrick Roy $0.77
1998 Panini Photocards #107 Teemu Selanne $1.07
1998 Panini Photocards #108 Mats Sundin $0.55
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